Ultrasound imaging allows doctors to image the patient’s body using high frequency sound waves.
Also known as sonography, ultrasound imaging is the scan of choice when the patient requires a quick and painless procedure that uses no ionizing radiation. Doctors can use ultrasound to the internal organs, reproductive organs, the unborn fetus, and more.
How Does It Work?
Ultrasound scanning is non-invasive, safe, and requires no injected or ingested contrast. It utilizes high-frequency sound waves that are transmitted by into your body, which bounce back to the detector probe. These “echos” are used to form a digital image of your internal organs and provide valuable diagnostic information. You cannot feel the sound waves. The only discomfort may be from mild pressure applied by the transducer on your skin.

Do I Need An Ultrasound?
Ultrasound can help diagnose or screen for problems within a number of organs, including:
- Liver and gallbladder
- Pancreas and spleen
- Kidneys and bladder
- Thyroid
- Breasts
- Uterus, ovaries, scrotum/testes
The Advantages of an Ultrasound
Ultrasound imaging offers several benefits over other types of scans, such as:
- Painless and involve no injections or incisions
- No exposure to radiation
- No ingested contrast