How Does It Work?
Fluoroscopy is simple, painless, and non-invasive. The device, the fluoroscope, produces real-time images using a continuous x-ray beam. A contrast dye such as barium or iodine, is often administered by physicians.
The most common fluoroscopic studies include:
- Barium studies ( esophogram, upper GI ): study of the esophagus, stomach, and intenstines
- Arthrography: study of joints
- Hysterosalpingogram: study of the uterus and fallopian tubes

Do I Need A Fluoroscopy?
Your doctor may request a fluoroscopy test to diagnose a disease or guide a treatment. some conditions include gastrointestinal, orthopedic, or reproductive disorders. 30 minutes to an hour
Most fluoroscopy exams last between 15-30 minutes.
Pregnant and expectant women should notify their doctors to prevent the consequences of radiation exposure.